Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Individual Wall of Shame

Is it too much to ask for a guy that spends his hard earned money on a pair of used panties to get decent service and to have the panties come from a real women? For about two years it seemed the frauds, fakes, and crooks had been chased out of panty land. Now it seems they are back with a vengeance. We can fight back. We panty lovers have each other that we can depend on to out these scumbags.

Please post your experience with bad, fake, and dishonest dirty panty sellers here to warn others before they get taken too. Everybody is welcome here. You are among friends who want the same thing you do; what you paid for. If you are a seller and find yourself listed here you are welcome to respond with your side of the story.

Please keep discussion here limited to individual panty sellers. If you need to report a website or company use my corporate Wall of Shame Blog instead.


Anonymous said...

Becareful of Heather on MPS, he's a man posing as a woman.

Joe said...

Thanks for your post anonymous. No doubt you are right. This is just par for the course at Mypantystore. Pretty much every seller there is a fake, fraud, or man. The popular understanding is that the site was started so that a man who had been kicked off other sites for fraud could be free to sell. Other frauds were drawn in like a magnet. The safest thing is to avoid that site completely.

Please see my other blog for more information regarding MPS.

Anonymous said...

Two to report. I ordered a pair of panties from Sweetlips and Gothicgirl69. My dumb luck. Sweetlips actually sent the panties but they smelled really bad like stale smoke and body odor. If there was any pussy on them I couldn't find it through the stench of other stuff.

Gothicgirl69 plain stole my money. I sent her a moneyorder and never heard from her again. Both of these broads are the pits.

Anonymous said...

I've told of one on ebanned many times.No one listens. Goes by "Lynn"

Anonymous said...

Great idea for a blog. I sent money to a seller named Genuine Girl on ebanned and got nothing from her. A complete scam. Beware of this one.

Horrible experience to report with jennspanties4u from panty store. My order arrived almost 6 weeks after I paid her. What she sent was not the same pair she advertised and pictured. No pussy smell, just a strong piss stench. I ended up throwing them right in the trash. Waste of money. There are much better sellers out there.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I have removed Lizbien from my friends list.

Anonymous said...

If you want a real scam artist, then look no further then juju panties. She is rude and and she was even kicked off MPS for her fighting with everyone, and putting others down!

Lizbien, has been really nice to me and I don't think that she would ever hurt a buyer at all! The only time I have heard her say anything mean was to juju for being the idiot that she is!

Joe said...

This is not the place to hash out your mypantystore problems. I've already posted entries to alert buyers to avoid the place for the reasons I've mentioned. If you choose to use it despite the proof here and all over the internet that it is a dishonest, spyware filled spammer's nest, then as far as I'm concerned, you get what you deserve. Let's keep the comments on topic and leave the hate filled junior high games elsewhere. Comments here should be helpful to buyers of panties. We all already know that all sellers at MPS support fraud or else they wouldn't be there. If you don't want to be cheated stay off that site otherwise take the medicine you chose for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Lana on MPS is a cheat and a theif beware! I bought a computer from her and sent the money and shipping cost quickly to her. She never sent what I bought and then she ran around hiding when I tried to contact her.

Do not trust Lana she has shown that she is a lowlife whole takes your money and sends nothing back in return. Who knows what she'll do if you give her your personal information? BEWARE!!

Anonymous said...

naughtyblkbwwpantys is a horror to deal with, loud and obnoxious, I didn't even get the pantys I paid for I got some other ones I didn't want, when they arrived they were nasty, crusty, and blood spotted, absolutely made me ill I had to throw them away seller refuses to answer my messages, just another messed up girl not following threw with her promises stay away from this one

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone! I'm naughtyblkbbbwpanties, you can find my items on mps!

Now, to clear this up-

First of all , whoever the "spy" is on mps needs to show themselves.

If I ever say something on any forum, I will always display my name, I have nothing to hide, and I have the balls to stand by my name.

If your were intellegent you would know that the computer transaction was made in July, why would I post on this thread durring the time it was still being paid for? I complained in August AFTER class started that would be August 18th not a day before. And surely not the 28th, besides I don't spell that bad teehee!

Secondly, I have records of each transaction with my buyers and the great feedback they have left me, they've all been very happy with my products and I have a very light, sexy smell so they wouldn't make anyone "ill" even after drying because I don't have a strong musky scent.

In fact, I have to wear my panties much longer then most sellers to make sure they are good enough for my buyers.

I've only sold "bloody" panties to one buyer and they've arrived very wet since I wrap the crotch of my panties in plastic wrap to keep that wetness.

I do all of my business on mps so there is definately a snake that is too pussy to say what they really feel and have to hide as anon on blogs like this. I keep in contact with ALL my buyers, communication is key, I have no emails, messages, etc by any unhappy buyers and my policy is a FULL refund if you are not happy. So far, I haven't had to give one. If you buy my panties and they are asked to be wet, they will never be crusty or have blood stains on them, I never send the wrong panties! Check my feedback.

This same panty accusation was made about gothicgirl on this same blog months ago. *yawn*
Nice try though! Snake!



Anonymous said...

Beware of LanasPantys...I recently ordered from her...was nice enough to leave good feedback...but I don't believe she's real.

Joe said...

Once again this seems to be becoming the place for people to bring their MPS fights and that really is not what this is for. Let's try to keep the comments focused on reports that guys can use to avoid being ripped off when buying panties please.

I do have to say that I am stilled floored to find posts here from MPS sellers claiming they are really "honest" and "fair" sellers. That is the very definition of a hypocrite. If you are posting comments here you've read the blog and have seen the reports of what the owner of MPS has done and continues to do to scam buyers. It's all documented with photo, IP, and viewable post evidence. You can't say you aren't aware of the fraud and deception. Therefore if you are selling there you are stating by doing so that you fully condone fraud and find scamming buyers acceptable. Please don't come here and insult us buyers. You are either ethical or you are not. You can't have it both ways.

Bob said...

Beware of alishababydoll on ebay using the email address alishamcniece@hotmail.co.uk . She scammed me into buying a pair from her outside of ebay, i pair her the money then she stopped emailing back. Later found out that she uses someone elses paypal account (could be a man, still not 100% sure) but if she is who she says she is, according to her facebook, she is only 16!!! Beware!

chad said...

I recently got scammed by Anna at nastywornpantys.com I placed my order with him/her? and waited for a reply they replied promptly and we spent a couple hours on line chatting trying to figure out a payment since she claims to be in Romania. After figuring out payment and waiting a couple days for it to clear i never heard from her again. no response nothing i even waited several weeks just to make sure. sending her tons of emails still not a single response this coming from someone who was answering every question for days leading up to the point where they received payment. I finally gave up.So dont be fooled by her website it looks awesome lots of sexy pics and fake comments.But just another scam:(